Full Service Includes (weekly maintenance)
Sm. Pool $150.00
Med. Pool $ 175.00
Lg. Pool $ 200.00
Xl. Pool $225.00
- Water analysis and balancing
- Backwash the filter
- Clean out the skimmer and pump baskets
- Skim the surface of pool and spa
- Clean out the automatic pool cleaner bag or container
- Brush pool and spa walls
- Vacuum pool and spa
- All basic chemicals included
- Filter cleans are included in the price
Basic Service Includes ($38.75 - $155.00 weekly maintenance)
- Water analysis and balancing
- Backwash the filter
- Clean out the skimmer and pump baskets
- Clean out the automatic pool cleaner bag or container
- Brush pool and spa walls
- All basic chemicals included
- Filter cleans are not included in this package
Chemical Only ($ 32.50 - weekly - $130.00)
- Water analysis and balancing
- Backwash the filter
- Clean out the skimmer and pump baskets
- Basic chemicals provided
Above Ground Pools ($120.00 and up)
- Water analysis and balancing
- Backwash the filter
- Clean out the skimmer and pump baskets
- Skim the surface of pool and spa
- Clean out the automatic pool cleaner bag or container
- Brush pool walls
- Vacuum pool
- All basic chemicals included
Hot tubs (150.00 Monthly)
- Water analysis and balancing
- Clean filter
- Skim the surface of hot tub
- Brush walls
- Vacuum hot tub
- All basic chemicals included
Filter Cleans ($85.00)
D.E. filters
Cartridge (Every 3 to 4 months)
Pool School
New Pool Start Up
Fountain Cleaning
Small $ 120.00
Medium $ 150.00
Large $ 180.00
X-Large $ 210.00